Feedback from our community

Hello, Kathleen from Belgium here. I used the subliminals for some time and really didn't know what to expect. But I can assure anyone who is in doubt: It does work. I found more harmony, strength and self belief just by playing them whatever I was doing.
This program really helps you without taking up your time and gives amazing results. I love this program because I noticed a difference almost immediately and I would recommend it to everyone. It is so easy and rewarding. Love and Happiness to you all
Kathleen De Pover, Antwerp, Belgium

Hello. I have been listening to your MP3's and I am already loving them :-) The Find Harmony album gives me great enthusiasm, even at the end of any busy day. They also help me a lot when I need to focus - today I wrote an entire sonnet (something I wanted to do but never thought I could, for being so distracted) while listening to it :-) Your Mp3's have been giving me a hope I did not know for a long time! Thanks a million :-)
Rute Iria, Lisboa, Portugal

Your mp3s have brought my self-confidence to the foreground and helped me turn a long negative spiral around. I'm a realtor in Tampa, FL, an epicenter of foreclosures, I've seen my income disappear, I've felt like a deer in the headlights for over a year now... but since I began listening to your subliminal downloads, I've found the strength to reinvent myself and begin moving forward. I'm now have a great new part-time job plus an upbeat approach. This has all happened within the last 30 days, since I began listening to your subliminals... suddenly things are going my way. Thanks! I know for sure that I couldn't have done it without your help.
Sheila Curtis, Tampa FL, USA

I've been listening to the subliminals for about 2 weeks now and have noticed a huge difference in feeling less stressed and being more productive. At first I didn't even think about attributing it to the subliminals because I listen to them most of the day at the office through my computer, while listening to radio music as well. But now I'm so excited to imagine the potential for gaining confidence, breaking bad habits, and becoming an overall better person!
Penny Scarrett, USA

I have been listening to several of your MP3 programs and I am really experiencing results. I enjoy the formats as I can listen to your programs while I have some soft music in the background. With other programs, you have to listen to the same song over and over and over... Now while working, I can listen to some soft meditative music with the waves, fireplace, thunderstorm, etc. in the background. In my opinion, your subliminals are better than many other programs I have spent money on. THANK YOU, GOOD JOB!
WM. Toby Zandier, Shenzhen China / Chicago USA

I wanted to thank you for composing some of the most POTENT subliminals I have ever used in the past 2 years of using subliminals! Your subliminals seem to take things to the next level, and I wanted to give you some feedback on one of the subliminals I'm seeing effects with. Since I have been using your anger subliminal, I notice when I get upset, I will be able to catch myself in the act. It is like I have more self control over that kind of emotion, it doesn't control me like it has before.
When I do feel myself getting angry/upset, I just seem to breathe deep and tell myself it isn't worth it. I'm utilizing 4-5 of your other subliminals, and it is starting to make a more profound difference on who I am and who I used to be.
Chris Monaghan, AZ, USA

I bought boost self confidence only a few weeks ago and can already feel a difference. I find it easier to talk to people and do normal day to day things like shopping without feeling anxious or judged. I see great things happening in my future, thank you so much for helping me.
Bernard Carrigan, Richmond Victoria, Australia

I have been listening to your Harmony subliminal MP3 now for two weeks. I must tell you what wonders it has worked for me to calm my nerves down. I am always such a nerveous wreck every month-end with debts up to my neck. My month-end headache is now gone and I believe I can handle stress better.
Themba Madini, South Africa

I am very impressed with the quality of your recordings, I have downloaded several they are the best I have tried! I feel invigorated while I listen and the effects seem to build every time. Already I can see a real difference in the clarity of my thoughts, the ideas that are coming to me, and how sharp and focused I feel generally - thanks for a wonderful product - like nothing else!
Paula Robinson, Boston, USA

I was very skeptical at first and just enjoyed the sounds of ocean waves - I live on a sailboat most of the year but am presently in Bangkok!! - but have found a subtle but perceptible difference in myself - a bit like the effect of daily meditation which I always describe as an invisible gas.
Dennison Berwick, Bangkok, Thailand

Hi! I had to let you know that I've been listening to "Think and grow rich", "Change your beliefs about money", and a couple of your business success albums on my iPod on the way to work, and I am shocked at the result. Out of nowhere I have been promoted to a senior management position with an extra $8,700 on my salary. I still can't believe it as I've only been listening for a couple of weeks. I knew they were having an effect on me as I felt different, but was not expecting this -Thank you so much!
Thomas Jackson, Kentucky, USA

I love your albums so much, I take them everywhere with me!! They have skyrocketed my confidence socially and I feel on fire at work, I am giving my opinion and speaking up for myself and I am really getting noticed - in a good way haha :)
Chris Brady, Los Angeles, USA

I want to thank you for your weight loss albums. I work in an office and sit down all day, often working long hours and find it difficult to find time to exercise. I have been listening to our weight loss album a lot and I have lost 9 pounds over the last 5 weeks. I can't believe it. I haven't done anything that different, but I find it easy to resist fatty foods and eat better and don't feel the need to eat half the chocolate and sweet food I usually would every day.
Jennie Logan, Utah, USA

I was not expecting all that much but I am actually very impressed, I have now been using a range of your albums over the last 3 weeks - having used a lot of personal development, hypnosis, and other subliminal products in the past I can really say the quality is the best I have encountered. While listening I feel energized and the effects seem to last. In particular your positivity album and your motivation albums are doing wonders for me at work!
Paul Ferguson, Chicago, USA

When I first ran across this website, I was really skeptical. However, the free mp3's piqued my curiosity and I thought, "hey, what do I have to lose." As I am in college, I have lots of studying and homework to do. After using it for about a week, I noticed I was able to focus on studying (I usually procrastinate) better, and it has been a tremendous help. I am noticing a big improvement; a positive change in basically just my overall happiness and optimism.
Nick Selchow, Maryland, USA

I love your site. I am a transpersonal psychotherapist and have used just about every technique - including subliminal cds which I produce for clients - few of which are free to use and available 24/7. I just want to thank you for providing an amazing service. I cannot praise what you are doing highly enough!
Lindsay S Wellstead M.Sc. Psych.D.

feeling so much better about my age , feling more healthy , vital , and mentally clear than I have in yerars , THAMKS SO MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL GIFT !!
Jon Marshall, Sydney, Australia

Hello and Thank you very much for this website. My name is Prabin and for a few years I was very depressed. I am using medication now and I discovered your website recently. I have been listening to your subliminal mp3s and I believe that they have helped me a lot, much more than my medications.

This is the BEST site for free subliminals on the internet!! Fantastic!! Keep the free subliminals comming!! Thanks!!

I dont know how this works, but it does, I used 4 subliminal subjects yesterday, and already I feel a huge change overcome me, I am becomming the person I have always wanted to be but found impossible to become before. I definately will be doing this every day to improve my quality of life.

I can honestly say its been only a week listening to this page (Stop Alcohol Addiction) 30-60 minuts a week, and I already feel relief. I have chosen to do daily activites over simply drinking at night and going to bed.

I've only been listening for a few days. Yesterday when I went to the gym I felt like a BEAST, and trained like a MONSTER! It may be coincidental, not sure yet, but my thoughts are changing for the better. Instead of thinking "I don't know if I can do this", I am telling myself "I'm the champ". Whats weirder is that I actually believe it because it's becoming a physical reality. It doesn't feel like shallow affirmations.

the natural energy boost works!! I was in a car wreck at the age of 16. during recovery my past 13 some odd years i never pushed my self. always did a few things then slept. never had the energy to do much. now as i play this at a very low sound setting while i sleep I had the energy to do every thing i need to do!! i still play this jus to keep this amazing energy pumping!! WOW!!