Affiliate PPC Ads & Keywords

Here are our lists of keywords and sample PPC adverts - you will find core "subliminal messaging" type keywords here, keywords from related niches, as well as some product focused keywords for our best selling albums. We also have some further advice on setting up a PPC campaign within our Affiliate Starter Guide

This list is updated and added to regularly and to make sure you are the first to hear about these please join our affiliates newsletter.

Core Subliminal Keywords

{Keyword: Subliminal MP3s}
150+ Subliminal MP3s
Only $14.97 + Save up to 50%

Hypnosis Based Keywords

{Keyword: Subliminal Hypnosis Mp3s}
150+ Subliminal MP3s
More powerful than hypnosis?

Self Help Based Keywords

{Keyword: Subliminal Self Help}
Self Help Subliminal Mp3s
Only $14.97 - Save 50%

Other Self Help Product Keywords

{Keyword: Subliminal Messages}
150+ Subliminal MP3s
Better than {Keyword: hypnosis}?

Attract Money

{Keyword: Attract Money Subliminal}
Attract Money Into Your Life With
Subliminal Messages - Only $14.97

Win The Lottery

{Keyword: Win Lottery Subliminal}
Groundbreaking Subliminal Audio
Helps You To Win The lottery?

Law of Attraction

{Keyword: Law of Attraction Subliminal}
Boost Your Manifestation Result
With Powerful Subliminal Messages

Weight Loss

{Keyword: Subliminal Weight Loss}
Easy Weight Loss With Subliminal MP3s
Only $14.97 + Save 50% Today!


{Keyword: Subliminal Confidence}?
Become More Confident With
Subliminal Messages - Only $14.97

Positive Attitude

{Keyword: Subliminal Positivity}
Develop a Positive Attitude With
Subliminal Messages - Only $14.97

A Simple Keyword Generating Formula

Another technique you can use to research keywords is with the following very simple formula:

basic keyword subliminal
basic keyword hypnosis
basic keyword audio
basic keyword mp3
basic keyword mp3s
basic keyword cd
basic keyword cds
basic keyword download

These are generally good keywords and people tend to use this type of search later on in the shopping cycle (i.e. when they are ready to buy rather than just researching). For example, with our "Weight Loss" album this becomes:

weight loss subliminal
weight loss hypnosis
weight loss audio
weight loss mp3
... and so on.

These keyword lists are useful for PPC, however, if you are writing articles you should use the keyword research tools below to find longer keywords that people are actively searching for. For example, taking the example above: "Weight Loss Hypnosis" is probably not a great article title, but a little research using the keyword research tools below you can find a regular stream of traffic using a "long tail" keyword such as "Does Hypnosis Work For Weight Loss?". This would be better for an article title, and if your article ranks well in google it can be a great source of traffic.

Keyword Research Tools

The keyword samples above are just a tiny selection of possible keywords. If you type any one of the keywords above into a keyword suggestion tool it will give you alternatives and longer related phrases - for example using the WordTracker tool below and searching for "weight loss hypnosis" brings up the following selections: hypnosis for weight loss / listen to free online weight loss hypnosis / self hypnosis for weight loss / free weight loss hypnosis mp3s / does hypnosis work for weight loss / weight loss through hypnosis (and lots more).

We have further advice on PPC, setting up your campaign in our Affiliate Starter Guide.